for friends & family
we have not forgotten about you...
First, may we say how sorry we are for your loss. We understand the death or anticipated death of a beloved child does not only affect the mother and father, but everyone they do life with. We know how hard it is to see someone you love hurting so badly, while being unable to take the pain away. We know you feel helpless and at a loss of what you can do. You have found yourself in an incredibly delicate situation, but we want you to know you are not alone. We are here to assist you and shed some light on the best ways to support your loved ones, based on our personal experiences. Below you will find an honest letter from one of our founders, plus resources, articles and a bunch of information we have gathered that we believe will be beneficial in helping you process your own grief, as well as lovingly walk with those who are hurting through this difficult time.
“I just want the people I love to love me back. I don’t want them to avoid me or bristle in my presence. I want them to know it’s OK to talk about my son. He was here and he was real and he was beautiful. I want people to know I buried a piece of myself the day I buried him and I’m not ever going to fully be the same again. I’m still me — just a different version. I want people to know it’s not OK to put a timeline on my grief or make me feel my sorrow is unwarranted or excessive. Let me have whatever time I need to process this even if you don’t understand why it is taking so long. I want people to know I’m always thinking about my son and if you are too - please tell me. Its nice to know he hasn’t been forgotten and that I’m not alone in my grief. Yes, it might make me cry if you mention his name, but I am crying in private regardless ... So sit in the sadness and cry with me. Sometimes it’s nice for my tears to have company. I want people to know I will never get over Logan’s death ... That my pain will always be present even if you don’t see it. I didn’t just lose a baby, but a toddler and a preschooler and a high school graduate. I’m crying because I missed his first smile, his first day of school, and my dance with him on his wedding day. I want people to know that for the rest of my life I will be learning how to live with a piece of my heart absent ... And until I see my son again, that bruised and broken heart of mine will ache with every beat.”
If you are still lost or confused on how to handle a certain situation or have a specific question, please feel free to contact us, and our team will do their best to assist you.