resources - Late Pregnancy & Infant loss
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
Promotes remembrance of the loss of a baby with free professional portraits taken in hospital.
the colors of healing (children's hospital)
A guide for parents/guardians in the hours and days following a child's death.
String of Pearls
Guidance and support for families facing the terminal diagnosis of their unborn baby.
Angel Eyes
Offers free professional bereavement counseling, support groups and peer connections for families who have experienced the sudden unexpected death of an infant or toddler including miscarriage and stillbirth loss.
Colorado Pregnancy and Newborn Loss
Offers Biweekly pregnancy and newborn loss support groups, Also available en espanol
3 Hopeful Hearts (Fort Collins)
Offers support groups and memorial events for families struggling with infertility, miscarriage, newborn and child loss
HOPE MOMMIES COMMUNITY (Search "Hope Mommies Community" and then "Join")
Private Facebook support and discussion page for all mothers who have lost a child at any gestation or any age.
Judi's house is solely devoted to supporting grieving children and their families through individual, family and group counseling and programs.
Children's hospital Colorado Bereavement services
The Colors of Healing is a family-centered bereavement program that offers you and your family support through a variety of programs, gatherings and resource information. The intent is to help you meet others who are also grieving, as well as provide the opportunity to learn about the wide range of feelings and emotions associated with grief. The groups and programs provide an opportunity for families to meet one another for support and understanding. There is solidarity in grief that can be experienced as one family meets another.
Please visit our Friends & Family page to find helpful articles about understanding grief, as well as blogs, letters, and quotes from bereaved parents.