for friends & Family - ARTICLES
BELOW YOU WILL FIND various articles THAT YOU MAY FIND HELPFUL oN HOW TO NAVIGATE THIS SEASON. We encourage you to take the time to learn about what your loved one is experiencing and then apply that KNOWLEDGE when it comes to how you care for them from this point on.
Children's hospital of Colorado
Follow this link to Children's Hospital to find an AMAZING and THOROUGH guide to helping a loved one navigate the loss of a child.
"Support in - dump out" approach
A simple diagram and approach when it comes to who you can reach out to for your own grief, and who you should ONLY pour support into. This approach is a good way to help yourself "not say the wrong thing."
Megan Divine is a fantastic resource on grief. While her loss is different than those of us who have lost a child, she has an incredible understanding of grief and an abundance of tools and resources that we recommend.
Ask, Don’t Tell Someone In Grief
“Friends pick us up when we fall down, and if they can’t pick us up, they lie down and listen for a while.”